Fertility Awareness Methods

FAM [Fluency Resource].pdf

Resources For Learning FAM / FABM:

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler

This book is a great resource for self-learners, or to have around as you work with an educator or practitioner directly. It is full of essentially everything you need to know about the Fertility Awareness Method. 

Vienna Farlowe, Your Vagina’s Cuntsultant

Working directly with a practitioner is best for those who will need this kind of 1:1 support in order to feel confident and safe applying the method. Vienna is trained in the Justisse Method for Fertility Awareness and is a fun, knowledgeable and experienced Reproductive Health Practitioner

The Association for Fertility Awareness for Professionals also has a directory of educators here

Sarah Bly of The Well also offers a Body Literacy Class Series which is a great resource for diving deeper into cycle tracking for contraception. She is a well of information and a precious resource in this field. 

Natural Cycles, Daysy & Kindara are app-based algorithms that help you track ovulation. These are worth exploring for those who don’t feel like they have the space in their lives currently to fully track on their own. There are a lot of Fertility Awareness educators who are weary of outsourcing tracking methods to an app-based algorithm and because Natural Cycles & Daysy rely only on the basal body temperature observations, and don’t input information on cervical mucus or cervical positioning. I encourage you to do your own research, weigh out the pros and cons and decide for yourself what method will work best for you. I think it’s really cool that things are changing and that our options are growing. 

There are other methods, such as The Billings Method which utilizes just cervical mucus observations. 

Whether you are ready to use FAM or not I do encourage you to begin to explore this world, as there is a wealth of information out there that can empower you to tend to your reproductive health in a way that feels good to you. 

The book The Fifth Vital Sign is a great place to begin, the author Lisa Hendrinson-Jack also has a podcast called Fertility Friday where you can learn a lot about your fertility and reproductive health. 

There is also a facebook group, Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control where you can get support and discuss with other folks who are using FAM.

Enjoy your explorations,


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